
Key Documents

Home-School Agreement

Our Home School Agreement opens by re-stating the School Aims which appear on our Home page. It then goes on to outline what the school, the child and parents can do to support these aims. A paper copy is sent to all homes.

The School will

  • Ensure that children are happy in school and enjoy their education.
  • Ensure that the school is a safe and friendly environment.
  • Ensure that each child achieves his or her full potential as a valued member of the school community.
  • Meet with parents in the Spring and Autumn terms to discuss your child’s progress, and produce a written report in the summer.
  • Provide a balanced curriculum to meet individual needs.
  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships
  • Maintain regular contact, as and when necessary, if there are concerns.
  • Provide parents with details of the content of teaching each term.
  • Set and mark appropriate work.
  • Ensure that the learning environment is clean, well maintained and visually interesting.

Each Child will

  • Arrive on time.
  • Respect others.
  • Follow the Six ‘Golden’ rules.
  • Be equipped and ready for work.
  • Have completed homework tasks and/or shared a book at home.
  • Come to school every day.

Parents/Carers will

  • Support the school’s rules and behaviour policy.
  • Uphold the values of the school.
  • Ensure you child arrives on time, having had a good night’s sleep, eaten breakfast, are dressed appropriately and are ready for work.
  • Attend teacher/parent meetings and help your child meet any target set.
  • Support your child’s home learning (and the school’s Homework Policy) by helping with reading, spelling and maths.
  • Let the school know of anything outside of school in your child’s life that may affect their learning.
  • Ensure your child attends regularly unless they are ill, in which case, school needs to be telephoned on the first day of any absence.
  • Ensure that the school always has up to date telephone numbers in case of emergency.
  • Complete a ‘Request For Term Time Leave’ form before taking thier child out of school during a school term. Parents need to know that they have no automatic right to take children out of school and that they could be fined.
  • Pay for replacement books or school equipment when hey have been lost or damaged.
  • Parents and children will be asked to sign this agreement each time it is reviewed by managers in school.
  • Together we can ensure that children are safe, happy and successful. Together we can help them on their journey towards a successful life where they can contribute effectively and confidently.


The Education Partnership 


The School is aware of what we can do to help support your child. However children spend 80% of their waking hours at home and research shows clearly that your child will do better at school if you talk to them at home and show interest in their school work, encourage them to do their best and get involved in reading and home-work. Evidence shows that children from homes that are active in the education process enjoy more success at school and later on, in the work-place. They also seem to become happier and more confident adults.

It is important that children feel that home and school are working together to give them the best opportunities for learning. At Trinity the Education Partnership is developed in the following ways:

  • During your child’s time at school you will be able to come into the class on a regular basis, currently each half term, and your children then will be able to show you all that they have been doing during that time.  This is not a time to discuss progress with the teacher, but to enjoy discussing with your children all the interesting things that they have been doing.
  • Teachers arrange Parent’s Evenings in the Autumn and Spring terms when you are able to discuss your child’s progress with them.
  • Teachers are happy to talk with you at other times as issues arise. Contact them to arrange a time.  Please don’t let problems or worries ‘brew’.
  • Teachers produce detailed written reports towards the end of the summer term.
  • Parents are asked to sign the ‘Home – School’ Agreement every year. Homework is given across the school. Tasks are short, suitable for the age of your child, and always related to tasks at school. Talk to your child about their homework, this way you will get a better understanding of how we approach tasks.
  • The Education Partnership will also extend to the school inviting you to help in the classroom or on school trips. Many of our after-school clubs are run by parents with particular qualifications, skills or enthusiasms.



If a child becomes ill during school time every effort will be made to contact the parents.  The school can handle minor accidents, as we have staff who are trained in first aid, but should your child become unwell at school we would need to contact you to come and collect them. It is essential that we have current telephone numbers on which you can be contacted throughout the day. Please pop into school if there is a change of contact information.

We have staff at school who are happy to administer medicine should your child require this during the day.  You will need to complete an authorisation form in the school office.



Trinity staff are also keen to spot children who perform beyond usual expectations. With ‘gifted’ children this higher level of performance is in academic subject such a maths, writing or knowledge of the world. With ‘talented’ children the higher level of performance is within a more practical area such as in art, drama, technology, sport or music. Our teacher’s provide for all children within their weekly lesson plans and the school organises or attends additional ‘gifted and talented’ learning opportunities throughout the year.


(Statement from our Equal Opportunities policy)We do not discriminate against anyone, be they staff or pupil, on the grounds of their sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, colour, religion or nationality.

We promote the principles of fairness and justice for all through the education that we provide in our school. We ensure that all pupils have equal access to the full range of educational opportunities provided by the school.

We constantly strive to remove any forms of indirect discrimination that may form barriers to learning. We challenge stereotyping and prejudice whenever it occurs.



We believe that children learn through drect first- hand experience. Inevitably trips out from school may involve some costs such as transport and entrance fees. However The Education Reform Act 1988 has clear regulations about charging for activities undertaken within the school day.

Oulined below is Somerset’s Charging Policy which we have adopted at Trinity School.

The purposes of the charging provisions are:

  • to maintain the right to free school education.
  • to ensure that activities offered in normal school time should be available to all pupils regardless of their parent’s ability or willingness to help meet the cost.
  • to give Education Authorities and schools the discretion to charge for optional activities provided wholly or mainly out of school hours.
  • that schools may invite voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school or in support of any activity organised by the school either in or outside school hours.

Somerset established a policy for charging for school activities and we have used this to inform a School Charging policy. This can be viewed via the ‘Information’ tab.



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