
School Tours

In-Year Applications

If you are looking for a new school for your child in Years 1 to 4, we have a small number of spaces across our school and may have a space in the year group you are seeking. Please contact the school office on 01373 461949 or by email on office@trinityfirstfrome.co.uk and the admin team will be happy to help you.

Starting school in September 2025

If you have a child who is due to start school in September 2025, we would love to show you around our fabulous school. We have several opportunities for prospective parents to come and see what we have to offer as you decide which is the best school for your child. If you would like to book a place on any of the events, please click on the required dates to access our online booking system or get in touch with the school office on 01373 461949 or by email on office@trinityfirstfrome.co.uk

Open Days

Our Open Days are a chance for prospective parents to see the children busy in their classes on a normal school day. They start with a welcome and a brief overview of the school from Amanda Seager, headteacher. This is followed by the chance to walk around our wonderful school with one of our school governors or a member of teaching staff, visiting several classes and seeing the children in action. Mrs Seager will be available throughout to answer any questions.

The dates for the Open Days are as follows:

Tuesday 17th September at 9.15am

Tuesday 17th September at 11.00am

Monday 30th September at 9.15am

Monday 30th September at 11.00am

Wednesday 9th October at 9.15am

Wednesday 9th October at 11.00am

Tuesday 22nd October at 9.15am

Tuesday 22nd October at 11.00am

Wednesday 13th November at 9.15am

Tuesday 26th November at 9.15am

Tuesday 26th November at 11.00am

Monday 2nd December at 9.15am

Please click on the date you wish to attend to book your place!

Stay and Play Visits

These visits are all about the children! Bring your child along to spend some time in one of our Reception classes, which you will find set up and ready for exploring. Reception class teachers will be available to welcome you and your child and will be happy to chat and answer any questions you may have once the children are settled. Stay and Play visits are open on the following days:

Wednesday 25th September 2.00-2.45

Wednesday 23rd October 2.00-2.45

Thursday 14th November 3.30-4.15

Please click on the date you wish to attend to book your place!

If these dates or events do not work for you, please get in touch with the school admin team, who will be happy to arrange something that meets your needs.

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