Friends of Trinity First School
The Friends of Trinity First School (FOTFS) is a very small but dedicated group of parents who work hard to enhance your child’s experience at school. We hold numerous events throughout the year to raise funds to provide extra resources and opportunities for the children.
This includes:
- Subsidising class trips
- Funding external companies to provide experiences within the school such as theatre shows and animal exploration
- Providing additional resources to classes such as books and bicycle helmets.
- Purchasing gifts for each child at Christmas from Santa in his grotto
- Providing book bags for our new starters each September
Our biggest fundraising effort to date was to provide a brand-new Trim Trail replacing the old worn-out equipment and we are hoping to soon be able to add to that with the addition of a climbing wall.
Our aim is to bring the school and wider community together through our events such as Coffee Mornings, Christmas, Easter and Summer Fayres, Quiz Nights and our extremely fun Colour Run.
As a parent/carer or family member of a child at Trinity, you are automatically a member of the FOTFS and we really do appreciate any support you can offer. Everyone is welcome to attend FOTFS meetings, whether to get fully involved or to just listen and find out what we’re up to. Our meetings are friendly and relaxed, and we love to see new faces at any time throughout the school year. We always welcome new additions to our committee, volunteers for our events, or simply the sharing of ideas for new fundraising events and we find it is a really good way to get to know other parents and to contribute to the wider life of the school.
Please find below links to our Facebook and Instagram pages where you can find out about dates for meetings, upcoming events and our fundraising efforts. We would also love to hear from you if you work for, or own, a local business that may be able to sponsor or support any of our fundraising events.