Beech Class
Welcome to Beech Class page
Miss Anna Morris
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Esme Croudace
Important information
A short reading homework is set every day. Please record any reading in the red reading records. The reads are counted and go towards reward certificates. Please ensure the children have their reading books and reading records with them in school every day.
PE will take place every Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure children have the appropriate kit in school. Including warm clothing for the winter months.
Forest School will take place on Monday afternoon every fortnight. Please bring wellies and raincoats.
What we are learning
Topic in Year 1 are…
Autumn 1: Marvellous me
Autumn 2: Once upon a time
Spring 1: Adventurous Explorers
Spring 2: Food Glorious Food!
Summer 1: Need for Speed
Summer 2: Fabulous Frome
Topics in Year 2 are…
Autumn 1: Rumbling Rio
Autumn 2: Penguins don’t fly! (Antarctica)
Spring 1: Under the Sea
Spring 2: Fire, Fire! (The Great Fire of London)
Summer 1: When will I be Famous? (Historical Figures)
Summer 2: Down Under!