

I.G Sports Coaching

I.G Sports offer a variety of football and multi-sports after school clubs that run for Trinity First School pupils only.

Please click on the link to view their website and to make your booking.

Trinity First School – I.G Sports clubs and booking information

Songbirds – All year groups

Every Friday after school 3.15-4pm. Free school club, focusing on singing fun songs and learning key choral skills. Children from all year groups are welcome to attend. They will be dismissed through the Jasmine class gate at the end of the session.  Please book your place through ParentPay.

Ukulele Club – Y2, Y3 and Y4

Every Wednesday After School 3.15-4pm. Free school club, Children from year 2 and above are welcome to attend. They will be dismissed through the Jasmine class gate at the end of the session.  Please book your place through ParentPay.

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