
Maple Class

Welcome to Maple Class page

What we are learning

Autumn 1: Rumbling Rio

Autumn 2: Cold, cold, cold

Spring 1: Under the sea

Spring 2: The Great Fire of London

Summer 1: When will I be famous?

Summer 2: Down under


Class Teachers:

Sophie Flower (Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday)

Lizz Godsave (every other Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)


PE days:

Monday and Friday



Lizzy Manaia and Chris Cantrell

Useful links

Phonics games https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/picnic-on-pluto

RWI pure sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6OiU2h3sUI

TT Rockstars and Numbots 

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