
Chestnut Class

As the children continue their journey through the school into keystage one, we look forward to an exciting year ahead full of lots of enriching experiences and fun.

Teacher – Mrs Williams

Teaching Assistants –  Mrs Butler (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri)

Mrs Jones (all mornings)

Mrs Joseph (Weds only)


Important information –

PE – Wednesdays and Thursdays

Forest School – Alternate Mondays. We shall endeavour to go out in all weathers. If your child has waterproof trousers or something similar, that would be really helpful. We are happy to store your child’s wellies at school during term time so we can venture out onto the field for welly walks, if you have a spare pair.

Library – We shall visit our school library every Wednesday. Please ensure you return your child’s loaned book on a Wednesday morning so they can return it and borrow a new one.

Reading – Please listen t your child read every night and make a comment in their reading record. Reading makes the biggest impact on your child’s progress in all areas of their learning. We use the children’s reading book in class daily so please ensure that it is packed in your child’s bag.

Uniform – Please label everything! It is very difficult to return your child’s belongings otherwise.

We are learning – Topics in Year 1:

Autumn 1: Marvellous Me

Autumn 2: Once upon a time

Spring 1: Adventurous Explorers

Spring 2: Food Glorious Food!

Summer 1: Need for Speed

Summer 2: Fabulous Frome


We are learning – Topics in Year 2:


Autumn 1: Rumbling Rio

Autumn 2: Cold, Cold, Cold! (Antarctica)

Spring 1: Under the Sea

Spring 2: Fire, Fire! (The Great Fire of London)

Summer 1: When will I be famous? (Significant people)

Summer 2: Down Under!


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